TAG Training

Harness the power of your mind – Master the business of Life
Achieve your greatest potential – Be the best version of You.
A unique concept in Developmental Training, leading people to the discovery of self-knowledge and principles for the optimization and enrichment of both their personal lives and work fulfillment.
TAG is not for everyone, it is for those who are invested in personal mastery and the pursuit of excellence.
TAG Consciousness is a continually evolving educational process. It is not a series of workshops … it is a way of life! An ongoing process of constant learning for personal and professional growth.
The TAG workshops are based on an experiential learning process and provides a practical sets of tools that can be used to improve conscious thought processes, active imagination and creative visualisation techniques.
Sickness or health; poverty or wealth; failure or success; these are all by products of conscious or unconscious thought processes and habits. TAG teaches us to become deliberate thinkers and conscious creators in our life, so we can start living the life we want.
TAG is for those who are open to new ideas on how to improve performance in all areas of life. So they can contribute to the betterment of the world.
If you are looking for ways to experience a deeper level of joy, meaning and abundance in your life, welcome to the TAG way of life.
TAG is an acronym for Think – Act – Grow
THINK – In order for us to achieve we need to think, in order for us to think creatively and constructively, we need knowledge and understanding of ourselves, our fellow men and Universal law.
ACT – To think takes creativity and to act takes courage. To act with courage takes understanding that will turn the fear of the unknown into and eagerness to explore its potential.
GROW – We grow by having the courage to put our greatest thoughts and possibilities into action. There can be no growth without action and no action without thought.
TAG consciousness is the process of converting ignorance into theory, theory into knowledge, knowledge into know-how and know-how into being. It is the missing component in the formal schooling/educational system.
TAG encourages you to think about who you are, what you want and more importantly who you wish to become. It is designed to enable you to experience first-hand that your capabilities are beyond your wildest imagination.
TAG comprises of a number of residential and non residential tailor made day workshops ranging from personal growth to entrepreneurial development. Encompassing all the soft skills required to run the successful business of life.
TAG Consciousness is about putting our amazing natural resource and tools to work by understanding and experiencing the effects of every thought in the light of the natural Law of Cause and Effect; how these thoughts become actions and these actions translate into growth or psychological development.
When the limitless possibilities of being Human are worked correctly and in harmony with Natural Law all thing that are Imaginable become possible.
TAG Consciousness cannot be taught academically or theoretically it has to be experienced or become know-how in order that the concepts may be truly understood and proven by actual results in everyday life. Everyone who has the courage to practice the process will validate its truth irrespective of previously held beliefs. Like gravity, you don’t have to believe in it; it just is! “When we are doing what works life is effortless.”
Theory can be gleaned from books; ability must be experienced. Living TAG Consciousness turns theory into practical ability. The principles of creation are as old as creation itself. They are not man made. Life is the manifestation of principles worked.
The human Brain has both the capacity and ability to facilitate possibilities that exceeds anything we can imagine; the history of the super achievers of each generation is testimony to this.
The students of TAG Consciousness learn to optimize the use of their natural tool box through experience.
All of us have all the tools we require to fulfil our dreams and aspirations and satisfy the unique requirements and possibilities of our DNA. We have all the tools and can learn to optimize their use. We are meant to fulfil the possibilities of our latent potential.
Practicing TAG Consciousness means spending time living principles; perfecting the use of our brain; harnessing the energies of mind and all our other natural resources available to us, doing what works in the most energy efficient way!
All TAG Workshops are principle based and custom made for the particular group of delegates in attendance.
Latent potential is revealed to us as we prove our willingness to accept the responsibility that goes with using it.
We all have unlimited latent potential, and we all have perceptions of who we are. These perceptions influence everything we think, do and therefore become. With different perceptions we would be making different choices, activating different potentials and getting vastly different results.
We gain theory by watching, listening and reading. We learn by experience; these experiences are determined by our thinking. Almost all our thoughts are the result of media propaganda, social conditioning, peer group pressure and cultural and religious indoctrination.
If this input had been different, we would not be who we currently perceive ourselves to be. Our perception of reality would be different; and so would our lives. Life is about my input not my reaction.
TAG Workshops are experiential, allowing us to understand the effects of our past and current thinking on our lives while allowing us to experience other possibilities and reality test the relationship between our thoughts, actions and outcomes. In so doing we enhance our control over every aspect of our lives and gain self confidence.
Business is as much about instinct and intuition as it is about logic, education and business acumen. “It takes great people to do great things.”
We can never perform at a level beyond who we are allowing ourselves to be. TAG Consciousness effectively enhances the self-knowledge and ability of the individual thereby up-grading each individual’s effective contribution to the team.
Every business must also learn that great service is the key to success. Not just customer service but staff and community service too. This is not to say that business should support uselessness. Quite the contrary! Great service is simply about asking – How can I serve you? How can I improve what I am doing and the way in which I am doing it?
To maximize effectiveness TAG Consciousness must start at the top and filter all the way down to the shop floor forming a like-minded team of effective individuals with a common philosophy and a clear understanding of the value and necessity of each individual’s role and responsibility in the outstanding achievement of the TAG Team.
Sport, like all things, is all in the mind. The difference between mediocrity and world class is in the control of the mental energy far more that the physical body.
TAG has been part of the training and preparation for numerous national and international sports people.
Stress is subjective, and it is directly proportional to the physiological size of the individual. Stress can be managed, but it can also be outgrown. TAG improves self-awareness and boosts self-confidence; TAG helps the individual to transcend limiting perceptions and out perform past possibilities thus outgrowing stress.
Today, even the medical profession agrees that both sickness and health are for more influenced by thoughts and attitudes than by anything else. The placebo effect is well documented. The mind will make the body manifest that which it believes to be true.
Every cell in the body is controlled by a program in the responsible gene; this program is created in the energy of thought. All that happens in the body is the product of thinking and beliefs. We have dominion over our thoughts, we can change our thinking patterns.
Many terminally ill people have found relief and even permanent cure by implementing the concepts and principles taught at TAG.
There is one free seat available on every TAG(II) Intensive workshop for terminally ill people.
Addiction always has its roots in escapism. Enhanced self- knowledge changes our relationship with everything, helping us change our relationship with the roots of our addictions.
TAG students learn to master the control of their Alpha/ Theta brainwave thinking, this gives them the tools they require to overcome addiction.
Entrepreneurial Training
Purpose Performance Profitability
Contact us to discuss your requirements
Online Workshops
7 Week Live Zoom Program
To move you beyond your Limitations

Residential Workshops
Consciouly Engaging Evolution
Live and Epic, abundant life
Fulfill your destiny
The Mastery of Natural law and
Universal Life Force Energy

One day Workshops
Sustainable Wealth Creation
Freedom from the Dungeon
of Ignorance
The Key to Exceptional Performance
Dare to invent your future.
Unleashing Human Potential
Expand your mind
Enhance your creativity.
Change Your Habits Change
Your Destiny
Everything in Life has a Price! The price of freedom is the effort we expand to gain knowledge of self.