REIKI for Children

Empower your children, help them remember how amazing they are!
Children have got a natural propensity for working with universal energy, just as they are naturally playful, caring curious and adventurous. Learning Reiki helps them remember, the miracle that they are.
As parents we want the best for our children and go to great length to achieve that. We want our children to feel confident and grounded; to be able to help themselves when they are hurt, sad or afraid. Reiki act as a self-empowerment tool which will serve them throughout their lives.
They learn to listen to, and trust their feelings and intuition, feeling safe and protected with Reiki empowers them to live their lives to the fullest. From a young age they can make a meaningful contribution to the lives of others by assisting their friends, pets and family when they are hurt, or sad etc…
“When our dad is tired or has a headache when he come back from work my brother and me, give him Reiki and he feels better, It is nice to be able to help him he does so much for us”
-Kgotso 8 years old
Growing up with Reiki creates a greater world for the children, one where they strive to and find their greatest assets, they learn to love and respect themselves, as well as the people around them and the environment they live in.
During the workshop we teach children that a happy mind, body and spirit are directly related to how freely energy is flowing throughout our bodies and, in particular, our chakra systems. Children learn that Reiki is a powerful tool that can release stuck energies specially in the chakras.
The seven chakras are introduced in a simple manner, Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Violet White to “Root” to “Create” to “Feel” to “Love” to “Speak” to “Know” to “Believe”
They learn about the Reiki Principles, how to listen to their bodies and feelings, express them creatively, and act on them in a healthy and responsible way that promotes respect of oneself and others.
The Reiki Principles
Just for today, I will not be angry.
Just for today, I will not worry.
Just for today, I will be grateful.
Just for today, I will do my work honestly.
Just for today, I will be kind to every living being.
Dr Mikao Usui
The children are taught the history of Reiki; how to discover and sense “energy”; the meaning, location and connection of the seven chakras to emotional and physical health; and of course, the practice of giving Reiki to oneself and others.
Incorporating, games, guided visualization, art etc… The children learn through play and have loads of fun connecting with the magical side of life
This workshop is for children between the age of 8 and 12 but if your child is slightly younger or older and feel ready to learn, contact us to discuss, email
I so look forward to introducing this simple yet powerful gift to your children. Christine
Saturday 9 July from 9h00 to 16h00
Growthpoint Training Center – Lanseria
Cost R800- includes course material, lunch and refreshments.
Space is limited

“The best way to make children good
is to make them happy.”
-Oscar Wilde.